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Found 10072 results for log2(Irr12h/Irr0h) between 0 and 1 and fdr <= 0.05. Showing entries 1-20.

Graph Cluster Transcripts Mean logCPM Classification Smed/Human type Human gene Annotation
1. Cluster-7993.2941 RNA1509_311 14.06

 Int S/G2/M 

RNA1509_311 {Length: 533} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_3057.3} {RNA1310_53106.1}
2. Cluster-7993.2922 RNA1509_2, RNA1509_10, RNA1509_131 13.91

 Int S/G2/M 

RNA1509_2 {Length: 903} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {tRNA: Gln(TTG),org, score=22.26} {RNA815_3057.1} {RNA1310_53106.1}

RNA1509_10 {Length: 907} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {tRNA: Gln(TTG),org, score=22.26} {RNA815_3057.1} {RNA1310_53106.1}

RNA1509_131 {Length: 839} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {tRNA: Lys(TTT),org, score=24.50} {RNA815_3057.1} {RNA1310_53106.1}
3. Cluster-7993.2925 RNA1509_892 13.91

 Int S/G2/M 

RNA1509_892 {Length: 896} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {tRNA: Gln(TTG),org, score=22.26} {RNA815_3057.1} {RNA1310_53106.1}
4. Cluster-7993.2924 RNA1509_565 13.86

 Int S/G2/M 

RNA1509_565 {Length: 849} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_3057.3} {RNA1310_53106.1}
5. Cluster-7993.2930 RNA1509_4 13.77

 Int S/G2/M 

MT-ND1 RNA1509_4 {Length: 1758} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: NADH dehydrogenase [PF00146.16, score=189.9]} {Human: MT-ND1, mitochondrially encoded NADH dehydrogenase 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:7455], e=3e-29} {UniRef50_S4T1K1, e=4e-15, NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 1 n=4 Tax=Arthropoda RepID=S4T1K1_9MYRI [Invertebrates:]} {Drosophila: mt:ND1, mitochondrial NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 1 [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0013679], e=8e-30} {RNA815_8311.1} {RNA1310_12992.1} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_258_0_1}
6. Cluster-7993.2936 RNA1509_39 13.68

 Int S/G2/M 

MT-ND1 RNA1509_39 {Length: 1666} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: NADH dehydrogenase [PF00146.16, score=190.0]} {Human: MT-ND1, mitochondrially encoded NADH dehydrogenase 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:7455], e=3e-29} {UniRef50_S4T1K1, e=4e-15, NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 1 n=4 Tax=Arthropoda RepID=S4T1K1_9MYRI [Invertebrates:]} {Drosophila: mt:ND1, mitochondrial NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 1 [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0013679], e=7e-30} {RNA815_8311.1} {RNA1310_12992.1} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_258_0_1}
7. Cluster-12747.1 RNA1509_3 13.24 Xins RNA1509_3 {Length: 6959} {TRANSSPLICED} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {rRNA: 18s_rRNA,euk, score=1511.2} {RNA815_80.1} {RNA1310_851.1} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_7_0_1}
8. Cluster-12747.0 RNA1509_1 12.88 RNA1509_1 {Length: 5535} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {rRNA: 28s_rRNA,euk, score=3185.1} {RNA815_80.1} {RNA1310_851.1} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_4_1_1}
9. Cluster-7993.2944 RNA1509_46227 12.87

 Int S/G2/M 

MT-ND1 RNA1509_46227 {Length: 496} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: NADH dehydrogenase [PF00146.16, score=57.4]} {Human: MT-ND1, mitochondrially encoded NADH dehydrogenase 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:7455], e=7e-08} {Drosophila: mt:ND1, mitochondrial NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 1 [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0013679], e=7e-11} {RNA815_8311.1} {RNA1310_12992.1}
10. Cluster-7993.2914 RNA1509_5 12.68 MT-CO1 RNA1509_5 {Length: 1834} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Cytochrome C and Quinol oxidase polypeptide I [PF00115.15, score=344.1]} {Human: MT-CO1, mitochondrially encoded cytochrome c oxidase I [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:7419], e=0.0} {UniRef50_O21123, e=1e-29, Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (Fragment) n=121 Tax=cellular organisms RepID=O21123_9FALC [Unassigned:]} {Drosophila: mt:CoI, mitochondrial Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0013674], e=0.0} {RNA815_5256} {RNA1310_21022.1}
11. Cluster-7993.2931 RNA1509_7 11.68

 Int S/G2/M 

MT-CO3 RNA1509_7 {Length: 2415} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {tRNA: Ala(TGC),org, score=19.57} {Pfam: Cytochrome c oxidase subunit III [PF00510.13, score=218.2]} {Human: MT-CO3, mitochondrially encoded cytochrome c oxidase III [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:7422], e=8e-56} {Drosophila: mt:CoIII, mitochondrial Cytochrome c oxidase subunit III [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0013676], e=1e-57} {RNA815_5605.2} {RNA1310_28412.1}
12. Cluster-7993.2923 RNA1509_220 11.18 MT-CYB RNA1509_220 {Length: 2041} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {tRNA: Gln(TTG),org, score=22.26} {Pfam: Cytochrome b(N-terminal)/b6/petB [PF13631.1, score=112.6]} {Human: MT-CYB, mitochondrially encoded cytochrome b [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:7427], e=2e-80} {UniRef50_Q6JCT1, e=5e-27, Cytochrome b (Fragment) n=48 Tax=Arthropoda RepID=Q6JCT1_9HEMI [Invertebrates:]} {Drosophila: mt:Cyt-b, mitochondrial Cytochrome b [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0013678], e=9e-85} {RNA815_3057.1} {RNA1310_20934} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_344_0_1}
13. Cluster-12747.15 RNA1509_117 10.95 RNA1509_117 {Length: 236} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_6853} {RNA1310_851.1}
14. Cluster-7993.2958 RNA1509_96 10.93 MT-CO3 RNA1509_96 {Length: 863} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Cytochrome c oxidase subunit III [PF00510.13, score=222.2]} {Human: MT-CO3, mitochondrially encoded cytochrome c oxidase III [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:7422], e=2e-60} {UniRef50_UPI0005FAE565, e=7e-06, PREDICTED: LOW QUALITY PROTEIN: cytochrome c oxidase subunit 3, partial n=1 Tax=Jatropha curcas RepID=UPI0005FAE565 [Plants:Streptophyta]} {Drosophila: mt:CoIII, mitochondrial Cytochrome c oxidase subunit III [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0013676], e=2e-62} {RNA815_15498.2} {RNA1310_28412.1}
15. Cluster-12747.23 RNA1509_67, RNA1509_1780, RNA1509_14576, RNA1509_43189 10.88

RNA1509_67 {Length: 2696} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {rRNA: 28s_rRNA,euk, score=1170.4} {RNA815_80.1} {RNA1310_8217} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_4_1_1}

RNA1509_1780 {Length: 2907} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {rRNA: 28s_rRNA,euk, score=993.4} {RNA815_80.1} {RNA1310_8217} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_4_1_1}

RNA1509_14576 {Length: 761} {Type: 5UTR_CDS} {RNA1310_41890} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_36143_0_1}

RNA1509_43189 {Length: 105} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {UniRef50_X1XFY6, e=2e-10, Uncharacterized protein n=1 Tax=Acyrthosiphon pisum RepID=X1XFY6_ACYPI [Invertebrates:Arthropoda]} {RNA815_80.2} {RNA1310_77898}
16. Cluster-12747.16 RNA1509_1332 10.88 RNA1509_1332 {Length: 183} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_6853} {RNA1310_851.1}
17. Cluster-7993.2916 RNA1509_115 10.76 MT-CYB RNA1509_115 {Length: 860} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Cytochrome b(N-terminal)/b6/petB [PF13631.1, score=50.8]} {Human: MT-CYB, mitochondrially encoded cytochrome b [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:7427], e=8e-38} {Drosophila: mt:Cyt-b, mitochondrial Cytochrome b [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0013678], e=1e-39} {Celegans: ctb-1, Cytochrome b [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:P24890], e=5e-28} {RNA815_1181.1} {RNA1310_20934}
18. Cluster-7993.2926 RNA1509_277 10.71 MT-CYB RNA1509_277 {Length: 889} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Cytochrome b(N-terminal)/b6/petB [PF13631.1, score=77.6]} {Human: MT-CYB, mitochondrially encoded cytochrome b [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:7427], e=1e-49} {Drosophila: mt:Cyt-b, mitochondrial Cytochrome b [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0013678], e=5e-50} {RNA815_1181.1} {RNA1310_20934} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_344_0_1}
19. Cluster-7993.2919 RNA1509_71 10.51 MT-CYB RNA1509_71 {Length: 1301} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Cytochrome b(N-terminal)/b6/petB [PF13631.1, score=113.9]} {Human: MT-CYB, mitochondrially encoded cytochrome b [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:7427], e=4e-83} {UniRef50_Q6JCT1, e=5e-27, Cytochrome b (Fragment) n=48 Tax=Arthropoda RepID=Q6JCT1_9HEMI [Invertebrates:]} {Drosophila: mt:Cyt-b, mitochondrial Cytochrome b [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0013678], e=1e-87} {RNA815_47643} {RNA1310_20934} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_344_0_1}
20. Cluster-7993.2959 RNA1509_168 10.46 MT-CO3 RNA1509_168 {Length: 655} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Cytochrome c oxidase subunit III [PF00510.13, score=199.1]} {Human: MT-CO3, mitochondrially encoded cytochrome c oxidase III [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:7422], e=5e-52} {Drosophila: mt:CoIII, mitochondrial Cytochrome c oxidase subunit III [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0013676], e=5e-53} {RNA815_15498.2} {RNA1310_28412.1}
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