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Found 360 results for log2(IntG2M/CutG2M) between 0 and 1 and fdr <= 0.05. Showing entries 1-20.

Graph Cluster Transcripts Mean logCPM Classification Smed/Human type Human gene Annotation
1. Cluster-16419.1 RNA1509_125 8.93

 Int S/G2/M 


 S/G2/M, no gonads 

X1 HSP90AA1 RNA1509_125 {Length: 2802} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Hsp90 protein [PF00183.13, score=874.3]} {Human: HSP90AA1, heat shock protein 90kDa alpha (cytosolic), class A member 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:5253], e=0.0} {UniRef50_H2YHC6, e=0.0, Uncharacterized protein n=11 Tax=Bilateria RepID=H2YHC6_CIOSA [Invertebrates:]} {Drosophila: Hsp83, Heat shock protein 83 [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0001233], e=0.0} {Celegans: daf-21, Caenorhabditis elegans Protein DAF-21 (daf-21) mRNA, complete cds. [Source:RefSeq mRNA;Acc:NM_074225], e=0.0} {RNA815_2025.1} {RNA1310_6914.1} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_56_0_2,dd_Smed_v6_56_0_1}
2. Cluster-7993.1552 RNA1509_123, RNA1509_207, RNA1509_758, RNA1509_30861 8.84

RNA1509_123 {Length: 589} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_10152.1} {RNA1310_29531}

RNA1509_207 {Length: 532} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_10152.1} {RNA1310_29531}

RNA1509_758 {Length: 913} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_10152.1} {RNA1310_29531}

RNA1509_30861 {Length: 705} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_10152.1} {RNA1310_51783}
3. Cluster-7993.1549 RNA1509_11444 8.62 RNA1509_11444 {Length: 705} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_10152.1} {RNA1310_51783}
4. Cluster-11302.0 RNA1509_70 8.6

 Int S/G2/M 


X2 P4HB RNA1509_70 {Length: 3118} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Thioredoxin [PF00085.15, score=218.4]} {Human: P4HB, prolyl 4-hydroxylase, beta polypeptide [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:8548], e=0.0} {UniRef50_P09102, e=0.0, Protein disulfide-isomerase n=26 Tax=Euteleostomi RepID=PDIA1_CHICK [Vertebrates:Chordata]} {Drosophila: Pdi, Protein disulfide isomerase [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0014002], e=1e-173} {RNA815_1453.1} {RNA1310_2450.1} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_250_0_1}
5. Cluster-7993.3251 RNA1509_29992 8.48

 Int S/G2/M 


RNA1509_29992 {Length: 603} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_1206.2} {RNA1310_19080}
6. Cluster-7993.1544 RNA1509_7571 8.35 RNA1509_7571 {Length: 572} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_10152.1} {RNA1310_51783}
7. Cluster-16419.5 RNA1509_806 8.07

 Int S/G2/M 


 S/G2/M, no gonads 

HSP90AA1 RNA1509_806 {Length: 1700} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Hsp90 protein [PF00183.13, score=556.7]} {Human: HSP90AA1, heat shock protein 90kDa alpha (cytosolic), class A member 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:5253], e=1e-166} {UniRef50_H2YHC6, e=1e-170, Uncharacterized protein n=11 Tax=Bilateria RepID=H2YHC6_CIOSA [Invertebrates:]} {Drosophila: Hsp83, Heat shock protein 83 [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0001233], e=1e-157} {RNA815_2025.1} {RNA1310_6914.1}
8. Cluster-11302.2 RNA1509_1575 7.96

 Int S/G2/M 


X2 P4HB RNA1509_1575 {Length: 3179} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Thioredoxin [PF00085.15, score=218.3]} {Human: P4HB, prolyl 4-hydroxylase, beta polypeptide [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:8548], e=0.0} {UniRef50_P09102, e=0.0, Protein disulfide-isomerase n=26 Tax=Euteleostomi RepID=PDIA1_CHICK [Vertebrates:Chordata]} {Drosophila: Pdi, Protein disulfide isomerase [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0014002], e=1e-172} {RNA815_1453.1} {RNA1310_2450.1} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_250_0_1}
9. Cluster-16419.4 RNA1509_2660 7.63

 Int S/G2/M 


 S/G2/M, no gonads 

HSP90AB1 RNA1509_2660 {Length: 732} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Human: HSP90AB1, heat shock protein 90kDa alpha (cytosolic), class B member 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:5258], e=5e-06} {Drosophila: Hsp83, Heat shock protein 83 [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0001233], e=2e-05} {RNA815_2025.1} {RNA1310_6914.1}
10. Cluster-16419.0 RNA1509_32 7.39

 Int S/G2/M 


X1 HSP90AA1 RNA1509_32 {Length: 2767} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Hsp90 protein [PF00183.13, score=874.8]} {Human: HSP90AA1, heat shock protein 90kDa alpha (cytosolic), class A member 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:5253], e=0.0} {UniRef50_H2YHC6, e=0.0, Uncharacterized protein n=11 Tax=Bilateria RepID=H2YHC6_CIOSA [Invertebrates:]} {Drosophila: Hsp83, Heat shock protein 83 [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0001233], e=0.0} {RNA815_2025.1} {RNA1310_6914.1} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_56_0_1,dd_Smed_v6_56_0_2}
11. Cluster-7993.2500 RNA1509_1317 7.25 ENO3 RNA1509_1317 {Length: 793} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Enolase, C-terminal TIM barrel domain [PF00113.17, score=51.2]} {Human: ENO3, enolase 3 (beta, muscle) [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:3354], e=4e-13} {Drosophila: Eno, Enolase [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0000579], e=4e-11} {Celegans: enol-1, Caenorhabditis elegans Protein ENOL-1, isoform c. [Source:RefSeq mRNA;Acc:NM_001027178], e=3e-13} {RNA815_393.1} {RNA1310_6958}
12. Cluster-7993.7151 RNA1509_114 7.07

 Int S/G2/M 


Neoblast; Sexual_biased; X1 PABPC4 RNA1509_114 {Length: 3995} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: RNA recognition motif. (a.k.a. RRM, RBD, or RNP domain) [PF00076.17, score=274.8]} {Human: PABPC4, poly(A) binding protein, cytoplasmic 4 (inducible form) [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:8557], e=0.0} {UniRef50_A0A088ASD5, e=0.0, Uncharacterized protein n=3 Tax=Ecdysozoa RepID=A0A088ASD5_APIME [Invertebrates:]} {Drosophila: pAbp, , e=0.0} {Celegans: pab-1, Caenorhabditis elegans Protein PAB-1, isoform a (pab-1) mRNA, complete cds. [Source:RefSeq mRNA;Acc:NM_001026538], e=0.0} {RNA815_5271} {RNA1310_2609} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_11729_0_1} {WURTZEL: Neoblast [dd_Smed_v6_11729_0_1, cytoplasmic poly(A) binding protein (PABPC)]}
13. Cluster-16419.6 RNA1509_24378 7.01

 Int S/G2/M 


 S/G2/M, no gonads 

RNA1509_24378 {Length: 641} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_2025.1} {RNA1310_6914.2}
14. Cluster-16419.2 RNA1509_7000 6.86

 Int S/G2/M 


HSP90AB1 RNA1509_7000 {Length: 1089} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Hsp90 protein [PF00183.13, score=147.3]} {Human: HSP90AB1, heat shock protein 90kDa alpha (cytosolic), class B member 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:5258], e=1e-105} {UniRef50_A7E3E1, e=1e-114, HSPCA protein (Fragment) n=87 Tax=Eukaryota RepID=A7E3E1_BOVIN [Invertebrates:]} {Drosophila: Hsp83, Heat shock protein 83 [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0001233], e=1e-105} {RNA815_2025.1} {RNA1310_6914.1}
15. Cluster-16419.7 RNA1509_874 6.8

 Int S/G2/M 


X1 HSP90AA1 RNA1509_874 {Length: 1863} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Hsp90 protein [PF00183.13, score=823.6]} {Human: HSP90AA1, heat shock protein 90kDa alpha (cytosolic), class A member 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:5253], e=0.0} {UniRef50_H2YHC6, e=0.0, Uncharacterized protein n=11 Tax=Bilateria RepID=H2YHC6_CIOSA [Invertebrates:]} {Drosophila: Hsp83, Heat shock protein 83 [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0001233], e=0.0} {RNA815_2025.1} {RNA1310_6914.1} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_56_0_1,dd_Smed_v6_56_0_2}
16. Cluster-16419.8 RNA1509_175 6.78

 Int S/G2/M 


 S/G2/M, no gonads 

RNA1509_175 {Length: 574} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_2025.1} {RNA1310_6914.2}
17. Cluster-16419.3 RNA1509_12816 6.73

 Int S/G2/M 


HSP90AA1 RNA1509_12816 {Length: 880} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Hsp90 protein [PF00183.13, score=325.4]} {Human: HSP90AA1, heat shock protein 90kDa alpha (cytosolic), class A member 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:5253], e=7e-63} {UniRef50_Q8C5U3, e=5e-61, Putative uncharacterized protein (Fragment) n=68 Tax=Eukaryota RepID=Q8C5U3_MOUSE [Invertebrates:]} {Drosophila: Hsp83, Heat shock protein 83 [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0001233], e=6e-59} {RNA815_2025.1} {RNA1310_6914.1}
18. Cluster-16419.11 RNA1509_7931 6.5

 Int S/G2/M 


HSP90AA1 RNA1509_7931 {Length: 1108} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Hsp90 protein [PF00183.13, score=471.6]} {Human: HSP90AA1, heat shock protein 90kDa alpha (cytosolic), class A member 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:5253], e=1e-133} {Drosophila: Hsp83, Heat shock protein 83 [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0001233], e=1e-126} {RNA815_2025.1} {RNA1310_6914.1}
19. Cluster-13749.2 RNA1509_186, RNA1509_547 6.44 Xins PLB1

RNA1509_186 {Length: 1599} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase [PF00657.17, score=100.4]} {Human: PLB1, phospholipase B1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:30041], e=1e-92} {UniRef50_UPI0005C359E0, e=1e-113, PREDICTED: phospholipase B1, membrane-associated-like n=1 Tax=Crassostrea gigas RepID=UPI0005C359E0 [Invertebrates:Mollusca]} {Drosophila: CG7365, , e=4e-70} {RNA815_6261.1} {RNA1310_23102} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_2690_0_1}

RNA1509_547 {Length: 1559} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase [PF00657.17, score=100.5]} {Human: PLB1, phospholipase B1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:30041], e=2e-93} {UniRef50_UPI0005C359E0, e=1e-114, PREDICTED: phospholipase B1, membrane-associated-like n=1 Tax=Crassostrea gigas RepID=UPI0005C359E0 [Invertebrates:Mollusca]} {Drosophila: CG7365, , e=7e-71} {RNA815_6261.1} {RNA1310_23102} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_2690_0_1}
20. Cluster-15190.3 RNA1509_1526, RNA1509_30582 6.37

 Int S/G2/M 


RNA1509_1526 {Length: 1326} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_3522.1} {RNA1310_7869}

RNA1509_30582 {Length: 1272} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_3522.1} {RNA1310_7869}
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