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Found 758 results for log2(IntG2M/IntG1) between 0 and -1 and fdr <= 0.05. Showing entries 1-20.

Graph Cluster Transcripts Mean logCPM Classification Smed/Human type Human gene Annotation
1. Cluster-7993.4610 RNA1509_37, RNA1509_59379 9.1 X1 UBC; RPS27A

RNA1509_37 {Length: 750} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Ubiquitin family [PF00240.18, score=210.9]} {Human: UBC, ubiquitin C [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:12468], e=2e-91} {Drosophila: Ubi-p5E, Ubiquitin-5E [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0086558], e=1e-86} {RNA815_10845} {RNA1310_26616} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_34_0_2,dd_Smed_v6_176_0_2,dd_Smed_v6_1697_0_2}

RNA1509_59379 {Length: 871} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Ubiquitin family [PF00240.18, score=117.4]} {Human: RPS27A, ribosomal protein S27a [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:10417], e=2e-42} {Drosophila: RpS27A, Ribosomal protein S27A [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0003942], e=2e-42} {Celegans: ubq-2, Caenorhabditis elegans Protein UBQ-2 (ubq-2) mRNA, complete cds. [Source:RefSeq mRNA;Acc:NM_067294], e=3e-41} {RNA815_10845} {RNA1310_26616} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_121_0_1,dd_Smed_v6_516_0_1}
2. Cluster-7993.4606 RNA1509_191 9.09 UBC RNA1509_191 {Length: 1853} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Ubiquitin family [PF00240.18, score=228.0]} {Human: UBC, ubiquitin C [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:12468], e=2e-94} {UniRef50_R1DZ00, e=1e-104, Uncharacterized protein n=23 Tax=Eukaryota RepID=R1DZ00_EMIHU [Invertebrates:]} {Drosophila: Ubi-p5E, Ubiquitin-5E [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0086558], e=2e-89} {RNA815_10845} {RNA1310_26616} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_34_0_2,dd_Smed_v6_176_0_2,dd_Smed_v6_1697_0_2}
3. Cluster-14650.2 RNA1509_255, RNA1509_1422 8.16 AHCY

RNA1509_255 {Length: 2309} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase [PF05221.12, score=470.0]} {Human: AHCY, adenosylhomocysteinase [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:343], e=0.0} {UniRef50_P10819, e=0.0, Adenosylhomocysteinase n=1010 Tax=root RepID=SAHH_DICDI [Unassigned:]} {Drosophila: Ahcy13, Adenosylhomocysteinase at 13 [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0014455], e=0.0} {RNA815_4519.2} {RNA1310_14602} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_526_0_1}

RNA1509_1422 {Length: 2382} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase [PF05221.12, score=469.9]} {Human: AHCY, adenosylhomocysteinase [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:343], e=0.0} {UniRef50_P10819, e=0.0, Adenosylhomocysteinase n=1010 Tax=root RepID=SAHH_DICDI [Unassigned:]} {Drosophila: Ahcy13, Adenosylhomocysteinase at 13 [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0014455], e=0.0} {Celegans: ahcy-1, Caenorhabditis elegans Protein AHCY-1 (ahcy-1) mRNA, complete cds. [Source:RefSeq mRNA;Acc:NM_059554], e=0.0} {RNA815_4519.1} {RNA1310_14138.1} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_526_0_1}
4. Cluster-12747.3 RNA1509_12443 8.08 RNA1509_12443 {Length: 3265} {TRANSSPLICED} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {rRNA: 18s_rRNA,euk, score=205.5} {RNA815_80.1} {RNA1310_14828.1}
5. Cluster-7993.2600 RNA1509_367 7.64 ALDOA RNA1509_367 {Length: 974} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase class-I [PF00274.14, score=126.4]} {Human: ALDOA, aldolase A, fructose-bisphosphate [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:414], e=2e-36} {Drosophila: Ald, Aldolase [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0000064], e=1e-36} {RNA815_21.1} {RNA1310_16645.1}
6. Cluster-7993.4614 RNA1509_2434 7.62 RNA1509_2434 {Length: 119} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_10845} {RNA1310_38881}
7. Cluster-7993.3394 RNA1509_1507 7.61 OAZ1 RNA1509_1507 {Length: 1619} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Ornithine decarboxylase antizyme [PF02100.12, score=52.8]} {Human: OAZ1, ornithine decarboxylase antizyme 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:8095], e=4e-05} {UniRef50_G6DAD8, e=1e-08, Ornithine decarboxylase antizyme n=1 Tax=Danaus plexippus RepID=G6DAD8_DANPL [Invertebrates:Arthropoda]} {Drosophila: Oda, Ornithine decarboxylase antizyme [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0014184], e=0.008} {RNA815_7315} {RNA1310_16058.1}
8. Cluster-7993.1142 RNA1509_275 7.52 PCCA RNA1509_275 {Length: 2995} {TRANSSPLICED} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase L chain, ATP binding domain [PF02786.12, score=271.5]} {Human: PCCA, propionyl CoA carboxylase, alpha polypeptide [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:8653], e=0.0} {UniRef50_G4V7M2, e=0.0, Putative propionyl-CoA carboxylase alpha subunit n=2 Tax=Schistosoma mansoni RepID=G4V7M2_SCHMA [Invertebrates:Platyhelminthes]} {Drosophila: CG2118, , e=1e-142} {RNA815_1830.1} {RNA1310_9293.1} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_1247_0_1}
9. Cluster-7656.0 RNA1509_528 7.44 RNA1509_528 {Length: 965} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_9946.1} {RNA1310_43252}
10. Cluster-7993.10760 RNA1509_569, RNA1509_3606 7.27 Sexual_biased; Xins REEP6

RNA1509_569 {Length: 1506} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: TB2/DP1, HVA22 family [PF03134.14, score=109.3]} {Human: REEP6, receptor accessory protein 6 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:30078], e=3e-48} {Drosophila: CG8331, , e=7e-36} {RNA815_10513} {RNA1310_19369} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_838_0_1}

RNA1509_3606 {Length: 1440} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: TB2/DP1, HVA22 family [PF03134.14, score=109.4]} {Human: REEP6, receptor accessory protein 6 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:30078], e=2e-48} {Drosophila: CG8331, , e=5e-36} {RNA815_10513} {RNA1310_19369} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_838_0_1}
11. Cluster-7993.5676 RNA1509_1076 7.26 Epidermis I; Xins ARPC4 RNA1509_1076 {Length: 1303} {TRANSSPLICED} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: ARP2/3 complex 20 kDa subunit (ARPC4) [PF05856.7, score=247.0]} {Human: ARPC4, actin related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 4, 20kDa [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:707], e=2e-87} {UniRef50_P59998, e=3e-94, Actin-related protein 2/3 complex subunit 4 n=38 Tax=Opisthokonta RepID=ARPC4_HUMAN [Plants:]} {Drosophila: Arpc4, Actin-related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 4 [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0031781], e=6e-88} {Celegans: arx-6, Caenorhabditis elegans Protein ARX-6 (arx-6) mRNA, complete cds. [Source:RefSeq mRNA;Acc:NM_065619], e=4e-80} {RNA815_11237} {RNA1310_25958} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_977_0_1} {WURTZEL: Epidermis I [dd_Smed_v6_977_0_1, actin related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 4, 20kDa (ARPC4)]}
12. Cluster-14664.0 RNA1509_850 7.18 RNA1509_850 {Length: 1772} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_14680} {RNA1310_32692}
13. Cluster-13544.3 RNA1509_4089, RNA1509_8281, RNA1509_24910 7.11

RNA1509_4089 {Length: 890} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_17022.1} {RNA1310_39502.1}

RNA1509_8281 {Length: 929} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_17022.1} {RNA1310_39502.1}

RNA1509_24910 {Length: 891} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_17022.1} {RNA1310_39502.1}
14. Cluster-7993.10083 RNA1509_328 7.04 X2 PCCB RNA1509_328 {Length: 2385} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Carboxyl transferase domain [PF01039.17, score=635.1]} {Human: PCCB, propionyl CoA carboxylase, beta polypeptide [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:8654], e=0.0} {UniRef50_UPI0006451B42, e=0.0, PREDICTED: propionyl-CoA carboxylase beta chain, mitochondrial isoform X1 n=1 Tax=Fundulus heteroclitus RepID=UPI0006451B42 [Vertebrates:Chordata]} {Drosophila: CG3267, , e=6e-68} {RNA815_3334.1} {RNA1310_10357.1} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_513_0_1}
15. Cluster-7993.209 RNA1509_1229 6.97 Asexual_biased; Xins CFL1 RNA1509_1229 {Length: 1360} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Cofilin/tropomyosin-type actin-binding protein [PF00241.15, score=90.5]} {Human: CFL1, cofilin 1 (non-muscle) [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:1874], e=2e-14} {UniRef50_Q5USA9, e=6e-27, Cofilin-like protein n=2 Tax=Dikarya RepID=Q5USA9_9PEZI [Plants:]} {Drosophila: tsr, twinstar [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0011726], e=1e-18} {Celegans: unc-60, Caenorhabditis elegans Protein UNC-60, isoform b. [Source:RefSeq mRNA;Acc:NM_071025], e=1e-13} {RNA815_11754.1} {RNA1310_24120} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_260_0_1}
16. Cluster-7993.262 RNA1509_973, RNA1509_1321 6.96 Gut; Xins

RNA1509_973 {Length: 1390} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: SOR/SNZ family [PF01680.12, score=366.2]} {UniRef50_Q39963, e=1e-145, Probable pyridoxal 5'-phosphate synthase subunit PDX1 n=66 Tax=cellular organisms RepID=PDX1_HEVBR [Unassigned:]} {RNA815_8446.1} {RNA1310_25568} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_1240_0_1} {WURTZEL: Gut [dd_Smed_v6_1240_0_1, NA]}

RNA1509_1321 {Length: 1585} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: SOR/SNZ family [PF01680.12, score=365.8]} {UniRef50_Q39963, e=1e-145, Probable pyridoxal 5'-phosphate synthase subunit PDX1 n=66 Tax=cellular organisms RepID=PDX1_HEVBR [Unassigned:]} {RNA815_8446.1} {RNA1310_25568} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_1240_0_1} {WURTZEL: Gut [dd_Smed_v6_1240_0_1, NA]}
17. Cluster-7993.1912 RNA1509_821, RNA1509_18215 6.91 Sexual_biased; X1 FTH1

RNA1509_821 {Length: 1275} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Ferritin-like domain [PF00210.19, score=152.2]} {Human: FTH1, ferritin, heavy polypeptide 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:3976], e=2e-66} {UniRef50_Q7YZR8, e=2e-81, Ferritin n=7 Tax=Bilateria RepID=Q7YZR8_CRAGI [Invertebrates:]} {Drosophila: Fer3HCH, Ferritin 3 heavy chain homologue [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0030449], e=1e-47} {RNA815_16555.2} {RNA1310_33466} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_3974_0_1}

RNA1509_18215 {Length: 1504} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Ferritin-like domain [PF00210.19, score=151.7]} {Human: FTH1, ferritin, heavy polypeptide 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:3976], e=1e-65} {UniRef50_Q7YZR8, e=2e-81, Ferritin n=7 Tax=Bilateria RepID=Q7YZR8_CRAGI [Invertebrates:]} {Drosophila: Fer3HCH, Ferritin 3 heavy chain homologue [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0030449], e=5e-47} {RNA815_16555.2} {RNA1310_33466} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_3974_0_1}
18. Cluster-7993.393 RNA1509_1379, RNA1509_1475, RNA1509_15868 6.86

RNA1509_1379 {Length: 1682} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_9021.1} {RNA1310_31824}

RNA1509_1475 {Length: 1950} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_9021.1} {RNA1310_31824}

RNA1509_15868 {Length: 1548} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_9021.1} {RNA1310_31824}
19. Cluster-7993.205 RNA1509_1261 6.76 Asexual_biased; Xins CFL1 RNA1509_1261 {Length: 1486} {TRANSSPLICED} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Cofilin/tropomyosin-type actin-binding protein [PF00241.15, score=90.2]} {Human: CFL1, cofilin 1 (non-muscle) [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:1874], e=2e-14} {UniRef50_Q5USA9, e=6e-27, Cofilin-like protein n=2 Tax=Dikarya RepID=Q5USA9_9PEZI [Plants:]} {Drosophila: tsr, twinstar [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0011726], e=1e-18} {Celegans: unc-60, Caenorhabditis elegans Protein UNC-60, isoform b. [Source:RefSeq mRNA;Acc:NM_071025], e=1e-13} {RNA815_11754.1} {RNA1310_24120} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_260_0_1}
20. Cluster-14650.1 RNA1509_1247 6.74 RNA1509_1247 {Length: 371} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_4519.1} {RNA1310_14138.1}
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