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Found 11539 results for log2(Irr72h/Irr0h) between 0 and 1 and fdr <= 0.05. Showing entries 1-20.

Graph Cluster Transcripts Mean logCPM Classification Smed/Human type Human gene Annotation
1. Cluster-12747.0 RNA1509_1 12.88 RNA1509_1 {Length: 5535} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {rRNA: 28s_rRNA,euk, score=3185.1} {RNA815_80.1} {RNA1310_851.1} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_4_1_1}
2. Cluster-7993.2914 RNA1509_5 12.68 MT-CO1 RNA1509_5 {Length: 1834} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Cytochrome C and Quinol oxidase polypeptide I [PF00115.15, score=344.1]} {Human: MT-CO1, mitochondrially encoded cytochrome c oxidase I [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:7419], e=0.0} {UniRef50_O21123, e=1e-29, Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (Fragment) n=121 Tax=cellular organisms RepID=O21123_9FALC [Unassigned:]} {Drosophila: mt:CoI, mitochondrial Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0013674], e=0.0} {RNA815_5256} {RNA1310_21022.1}
3. Cluster-12747.15 RNA1509_117 10.95 RNA1509_117 {Length: 236} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_6853} {RNA1310_851.1}
4. Cluster-7993.2958 RNA1509_96 10.93 MT-CO3 RNA1509_96 {Length: 863} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Cytochrome c oxidase subunit III [PF00510.13, score=222.2]} {Human: MT-CO3, mitochondrially encoded cytochrome c oxidase III [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:7422], e=2e-60} {UniRef50_UPI0005FAE565, e=7e-06, PREDICTED: LOW QUALITY PROTEIN: cytochrome c oxidase subunit 3, partial n=1 Tax=Jatropha curcas RepID=UPI0005FAE565 [Plants:Streptophyta]} {Drosophila: mt:CoIII, mitochondrial Cytochrome c oxidase subunit III [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0013676], e=2e-62} {RNA815_15498.2} {RNA1310_28412.1}
5. Cluster-12747.16 RNA1509_1332 10.88 RNA1509_1332 {Length: 183} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_6853} {RNA1310_851.1}
6. Cluster-7993.9329 RNA1509_9 10.6 Gut; Testis; X2 TUBA3C RNA1509_9 {Length: 1998} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Tubulin/FtsZ family, GTPase domain [PF00091.20, score=232.5]} {Human: TUBA3C, tubulin, alpha 3c [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:12408], e=0.0} {UniRef50_Q13748, e=0.0, Tubulin alpha-3C/D chain n=21 Tax=Chordata RepID=TBA3C_HUMAN [Invertebrates:]} {Drosophila: alphaTub84B, alpha-Tubulin at 84B [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0003884], e=0.0} {RNA815_3906} {RNA1310_10339.1} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_38_0_1,dd_Smed_v6_38_0_2,dd_Smed_v6_10947_0_2,dd_Smed_v6_10947_0_1} {WURTZEL: Gut [dd_Smed_v6_10947_0_1, tubulin, alpha 3d (TUBA3D)]}
7. Cluster-7993.9330 RNA1509_835 10.38 TUBA1A RNA1509_835 {Length: 1602} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Tubulin C-terminal domain [PF03953.12, score=168.3]} {Human: TUBA1A, tubulin, alpha 1a [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:20766], e=0.0} {UniRef50_P02552, e=1e-170, Tubulin alpha-1 chain (Fragment) n=191 Tax=Eukaryota RepID=TBA1_CHICK [Invertebrates:]} {Drosophila: alphaTub84B, alpha-Tubulin at 84B [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0003884], e=1e-180} {RNA815_343.1} {RNA1310_32709}
8. Cluster-13001.0 RNA1509_16 10.34 ZNF428 RNA1509_16 {Length: 1580} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Human: ZNF428, zinc finger protein 428 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:20804], e=0.010} {RNA815_3896} {RNA1310_22049}
9. Cluster-7993.2835 RNA1509_2793, RNA1509_38748 10.05

RNA1509_2793 {Length: 606} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_50459} {RNA1310_108869.1}

RNA1509_38748 {Length: 375} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_50459} {RNA1310_108869.1}
10. Cluster-7993.109 RNA1509_43 9.65 Xins GM2A RNA1509_43 {Length: 860} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: ML domain [PF02221.10, score=53.2]} {Human: GM2A, GM2 ganglioside activator [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:4367], e=7e-11} {UniRef50_K1QZB5, e=1e-20, Ganglioside GM2 activator n=1 Tax=Crassostrea gigas RepID=K1QZB5_CRAGI [Invertebrates:Mollusca]} {RNA815_22343} {RNA1310_42438} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_214_1_1}
11. Cluster-13626.1 RNA1509_211 9.61 DYNLL1 RNA1509_211 {Length: 937} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Dynein light chain type 1 [PF01221.13, score=33.0]} {Human: DYNLL1, dynein, light chain, LC8-type 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:15476], e=0.004} {UniRef50_G7YAJ9, e=2e-17, Tegument antigen n=5 Tax=Opisthorchiidae RepID=G7YAJ9_CLOSI [Invertebrates:Platyhelminthes]} {Drosophila: ctp, cut up [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0011760], e=0.004} {RNA815_17450} {RNA1310_72109}
12. Cluster-7993.1537 RNA1509_25 9.45 RNA1509_25 {Length: 599} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_10152.1} {RNA1310_29531}
13. Cluster-7993.3000 RNA1509_497 9.33 PRSS21 RNA1509_497 {Length: 981} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Trypsin [PF00089.21, score=104.7]} {Human: PRSS21, protease, serine, 21 (testisin) [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:9485], e=3e-13} {UniRef50_A0A0A1TJ15, e=2e-19, Uncharacterized protein n=1 Tax=Torrubiella hemipterigena RepID=A0A0A1TJ15_9HYPO [Plants:Ascomycota]} {Drosophila: CG34458, , e=2e-13} {RNA815_18704} {RNA1310_40896}
14. Cluster-7993.6413 RNA1509_4990 9.31 TUBB2A RNA1509_4990 {Length: 1083} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Tubulin C-terminal domain [PF03953.12, score=170.0]} {Human: TUBB2A, tubulin, beta 2A [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:12412], e=1e-143} {UniRef50_Q9CRT0, e=1e-143, Putative uncharacterized protein (Fragment) n=17 Tax=Eukaryota RepID=Q9CRT0_MOUSE [Invertebrates:]} {Drosophila: betaTub56D, beta-Tubulin at 56D [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0003887], e=1e-142} {RNA815_4202.1} {RNA1310_17208}
15. Cluster-7993.2999 RNA1509_35, RNA1509_249 9.31 PRSS21

RNA1509_35 {Length: 942} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Trypsin [PF00089.21, score=104.3]} {Human: PRSS21, protease, serine, 21 (testisin) [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:9485], e=2e-13} {UniRef50_A0A0A1TJ15, e=2e-19, Uncharacterized protein n=1 Tax=Torrubiella hemipterigena RepID=A0A0A1TJ15_9HYPO [Plants:Ascomycota]} {Drosophila: betaTry, betaTrypsin [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0010357], e=1e-14} {RNA815_18704} {RNA1310_40896}

RNA1509_249 {Length: 929} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Trypsin [PF00089.21, score=104.4]} {Human: PRSS21, protease, serine, 21 (testisin) [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:9485], e=1e-13} {UniRef50_A0A0A1TJ15, e=2e-19, Uncharacterized protein n=1 Tax=Torrubiella hemipterigena RepID=A0A0A1TJ15_9HYPO [Plants:Ascomycota]} {Drosophila: betaTry, betaTrypsin [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0010357], e=1e-14} {RNA815_18704} {RNA1310_40896}
16. Cluster-7993.7906 RNA1509_8277 9.2 Xins GM2A RNA1509_8277 {Length: 872} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: ML domain [PF02221.10, score=53.2]} {Human: GM2A, GM2 ganglioside activator [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:4367], e=7e-11} {UniRef50_K1QZB5, e=1e-20, Ganglioside GM2 activator n=1 Tax=Crassostrea gigas RepID=K1QZB5_CRAGI [Invertebrates:Mollusca]} {RNA815_22343} {RNA1310_42438} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_214_1_1}
17. Cluster-12442.3 RNA1509_157, RNA1509_456, RNA1509_1515, RNA1509_1768, RNA1509_16289 9.19 X1 PMP2

RNA1509_157 {Length: 995} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Lipocalin / cytosolic fatty-acid binding protein family [PF00061.18, score=79.9]} {Human: PMP2, peripheral myelin protein 2 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:9117], e=1e-36} {UniRef50_C4N147, e=8e-45, Sodium-calcium exchanger n=2 Tax=Mollusca RepID=C4N147_DORPE [Invertebrates:]} {Drosophila: fabp, fatty acid bindin protein [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0037913], e=2e-35} {RNA815_7257.1} {RNA1310_38817} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_599_0_1}

RNA1509_456 {Length: 739} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Lipocalin / cytosolic fatty-acid binding protein family [PF00061.18, score=80.9]} {Human: PMP2, peripheral myelin protein 2 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:9117], e=1e-37} {UniRef50_C4N147, e=8e-45, Sodium-calcium exchanger n=2 Tax=Mollusca RepID=C4N147_DORPE [Invertebrates:]} {Drosophila: fabp, fatty acid bindin protein [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0037913], e=3e-36} {RNA815_7257.2} {RNA1310_38817} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_599_0_1}

RNA1509_1515 {Length: 753} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Lipocalin / cytosolic fatty-acid binding protein family [PF00061.18, score=80.8]} {Human: PMP2, peripheral myelin protein 2 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:9117], e=1e-37} {UniRef50_C4N147, e=8e-45, Sodium-calcium exchanger n=2 Tax=Mollusca RepID=C4N147_DORPE [Invertebrates:]} {Drosophila: fabp, fatty acid bindin protein [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0037913], e=3e-36} {RNA815_7257.2} {RNA1310_38817} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_599_0_1}

RNA1509_1768 {Length: 686} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Lipocalin / cytosolic fatty-acid binding protein family [PF00061.18, score=81.2]} {Human: PMP2, peripheral myelin protein 2 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:9117], e=7e-38} {UniRef50_C4N147, e=8e-45, Sodium-calcium exchanger n=2 Tax=Mollusca RepID=C4N147_DORPE [Invertebrates:]} {Drosophila: fabp, fatty acid bindin protein [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0037913], e=2e-36} {RNA815_7257.2} {RNA1310_28923} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_599_0_1}

RNA1509_16289 {Length: 113} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_7257.2} {RNA1310_38817}
18. Cluster-7993.3177 RNA1509_11492 9.18 RNA1509_11492 {Length: 455} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_25478.1} {RNA1310_73921}
19. Cluster-10576.0 RNA1509_102 9.14

 Int S/G2/M 

X1 ATP5A1 RNA1509_102 {Length: 2372} {TRANSSPLICED} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: ATP synthase alpha/beta family, nucleotide-binding domain [PF00006.20, score=242.3]} {Human: ATP5A1, ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F1 complex, alpha subunit 1, cardiac muscle [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:823], e=0.0} {UniRef50_P25705, e=0.0, ATP synthase subunit alpha, mitochondrial n=168 Tax=cellular organisms RepID=ATPA_HUMAN [Unassigned:]} {Drosophila: blw, bellwether [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0011211], e=0.0} {Celegans: H28O16.1, Caenorhabditis elegans Protein H28O16.1, isoform d. [Source:RefSeq mRNA;Acc:NM_001026358], e=0.0} {RNA815_2316} {RNA1310_10282.1} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_731_0_1}
20. Cluster-7993.4610 RNA1509_37, RNA1509_59379 9.1 X1 UBC; RPS27A

RNA1509_37 {Length: 750} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Ubiquitin family [PF00240.18, score=210.9]} {Human: UBC, ubiquitin C [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:12468], e=2e-91} {Drosophila: Ubi-p5E, Ubiquitin-5E [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0086558], e=1e-86} {RNA815_10845} {RNA1310_26616} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_34_0_2,dd_Smed_v6_176_0_2,dd_Smed_v6_1697_0_2}

RNA1509_59379 {Length: 871} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Ubiquitin family [PF00240.18, score=117.4]} {Human: RPS27A, ribosomal protein S27a [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:10417], e=2e-42} {Drosophila: RpS27A, Ribosomal protein S27A [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0003942], e=2e-42} {Celegans: ubq-2, Caenorhabditis elegans Protein UBQ-2 (ubq-2) mRNA, complete cds. [Source:RefSeq mRNA;Acc:NM_067294], e=3e-41} {RNA815_10845} {RNA1310_26616} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_121_0_1,dd_Smed_v6_516_0_1}
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