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Found 289 results for log2(Irr72h/Irr24h) between 0 and 1 and fdr <= 0.05. Showing entries 1-20.

Graph Cluster Transcripts Mean logCPM Classification Smed/Human type Human gene Annotation
1. Cluster-7993.1546 RNA1509_4816 8.18 RNA1509_4816 {Length: 505} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_2813.1} {RNA1310_76724}
2. Cluster-7993.1551 RNA1509_29222 7.84 RNA1509_29222 {Length: 517} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_2813.1} {RNA1310_76724}
3. Cluster-7993.1560 RNA1509_42124 7.45 RNA1509_42124 {Length: 132} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_16145} {RNA1310_29531}
4. Cluster-7993.9336 RNA1509_3666 7.02

 Int S/G2/M 

 S/G2/M, no gonads 


TUBA3C RNA1509_3666 {Length: 1236} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Tubulin C-terminal domain [PF03953.12, score=170.0]} {Human: TUBA3C, tubulin, alpha 3c [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:12408], e=0.0} {UniRef50_Q13748, e=0.0, Tubulin alpha-3C/D chain n=21 Tax=Chordata RepID=TBA3C_HUMAN [Invertebrates:]} {Drosophila: alphaTub84B, alpha-Tubulin at 84B [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0003884], e=0.0} {RNA815_343.2} {RNA1310_10339.1}
5. Cluster-7993.2970 RNA1509_830 6.95 RNA1509_830 {Length: 100} {Type: CDS_3UTR}
6. Cluster-7416.0 RNA1509_7451, RNA1509_11051 6.83

RNA1509_7451 {Length: 594} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_29534} {RNA1310_64161}

RNA1509_11051 {Length: 577} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_29534} {RNA1310_64161}
7. Cluster-7993.3053 RNA1509_7208 6.71 RNA1509_7208 {Length: 205} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_23391} {RNA1310_63405}
8. Cluster-15138.3 RNA1509_21417 6.63 RNA1509_21417 {Length: 830} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_21540} {RNA1310_44752}
9. Cluster-7993.9360 RNA1509_20252 6.51

 Int S/G2/M 

 S/G2/M, no gonads 


TUBA1A RNA1509_20252 {Length: 1143} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Tubulin C-terminal domain [PF03953.12, score=173.4]} {Human: TUBA1A, tubulin, alpha 1a [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:20766], e=0.0} {UniRef50_P02552, e=1e-172, Tubulin alpha-1 chain (Fragment) n=191 Tax=Eukaryota RepID=TBA1_CHICK [Invertebrates:]} {Drosophila: alphaTub84B, alpha-Tubulin at 84B [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0003884], e=0.0} {RNA815_343.3} {RNA1310_10339.1}
10. Cluster-7993.3581 RNA1509_23465 6.05 RNA1509_23465 {Length: 2242} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_4666.1} {RNA1310_19825}
11. Cluster-14218.2 RNA1509_801, RNA1509_33720 5.88 Muscle; Sexual_biased; Xins TNNT2

RNA1509_801 {Length: 2394} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Troponin [PF00992.15, score=41.3]} {Human: TNNT2, troponin T type 2 (cardiac) [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:11949], e=2e-08} {UniRef50_A0A068X7D4, e=3e-45, Oncosphere protein Tso22e n=3 Tax=Cyclophyllidea RepID=A0A068X7D4_HYMMI [Invertebrates:Platyhelminthes]} {Drosophila: up, upheld [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0004169], e=4e-17} {RNA815_1839.1} {RNA1310_13127.1} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_375_0_1} {WURTZEL: Muscle [dd_Smed_v6_375_0_1, RAB28, member RAS oncogene family (RAB28)]}

RNA1509_33720 {Length: 896} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_1839.1} {RNA1310_1104.1}
12. Cluster-15138.1 RNA1509_3881 5.87 RNA1509_3881 {Length: 840} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_21540} {RNA1310_44752}
13. Cluster-7993.2504 RNA1509_2461, RNA1509_23449, RNA1509_29844 5.79 Muscle; Asexual_biased; Xins TPM3

RNA1509_2461 {Length: 1570} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Tropomyosin [PF00261.15, score=286.9]} {Human: TPM3, tropomyosin 3 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:12012], e=7e-64} {UniRef50_P42638, e=4e-92, Tropomyosin-2 n=16 Tax=Bilateria RepID=TPM2_SCHMA [Invertebrates:]} {Drosophila: Tm1, Tropomyosin 1 [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0003721], e=5e-84} {RNA815_8894.2} {RNA1310_19089} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_405_0_1} {WURTZEL: Muscle [dd_Smed_v6_405_0_1, tropomyosin 1 (alpha) (TPM1)]}

RNA1509_23449 {Length: 427} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_18038} {RNA1310_39428}

RNA1509_29844 {Length: 1513} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Tropomyosin [PF00261.15, score=287.1]} {Human: TPM3, tropomyosin 3 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:12012], e=5e-64} {UniRef50_P42638, e=3e-92, Tropomyosin-2 n=16 Tax=Bilateria RepID=TPM2_SCHMA [Invertebrates:]} {Drosophila: Tm1, Tropomyosin 1 [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0003721], e=3e-84} {RNA815_8894.1} {RNA1310_23173} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_405_0_1} {WURTZEL: Muscle [dd_Smed_v6_405_0_1, tropomyosin 1 (alpha) (TPM1)]}
14. Cluster-7416.3 RNA1509_14995 5.74 RNA1509_14995 {Length: 612} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_29534} {RNA1310_64161}
15. Cluster-14128.2 RNA1509_4845 5.52 RNA1509_4845 {Length: 967} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_12890.1} {RNA1310_63880}
16. Cluster-15424.1 RNA1509_3165 5.5 MATN4 RNA1509_3165 {Length: 2446} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: von Willebrand factor type A domain [PF00092.23, score=240.1]} {Human: MATN4, matrilin 4 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:6910], e=1e-28} {UniRef50_S4RWK5, e=6e-35, Uncharacterized protein (Fragment) n=1 Tax=Petromyzon marinus RepID=S4RWK5_PETMA [Vertebrates:Chordata]} {Celegans: mup-4, Caenorhabditis elegans Protein MUP-4 (mup-4) mRNA, complete cds. [Source:RefSeq mRNA;Acc:NM_066244], e=5e-16} {RNA815_2915.1} {RNA1310_8996} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_2674_0_1}
17. Cluster-7993.2784 RNA1509_907 5.49 Muscle; Asexual_biased; Xins TPM3 RNA1509_907 {Length: 1585} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: Tropomyosin [PF00261.15, score=286.9]} {Human: TPM3, tropomyosin 3 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:12012], e=8e-64} {UniRef50_P42638, e=5e-92, Tropomyosin-2 n=16 Tax=Bilateria RepID=TPM2_SCHMA [Invertebrates:]} {Drosophila: Tm1, Tropomyosin 1 [Source:FlyBase gene name;Acc:FBgn0003721], e=5e-84} {RNA815_8894.2} {RNA1310_19089} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_405_0_1} {WURTZEL: Muscle [dd_Smed_v6_405_0_1, tropomyosin 1 (alpha) (TPM1)]}
18. Cluster-15381.2 RNA1509_5580 5.47 RNA1509_5580 {Length: 701} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_6832.1} {RNA1310_17773}
19. Cluster-7416.2 RNA1509_14185 5.47 RNA1509_14185 {Length: 599} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {RNA815_29534} {RNA1310_64161}
20. Cluster-13749.9 RNA1509_803, RNA1509_3849 5.45 Xins PLB1

RNA1509_803 {Length: 2665} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase [PF00657.17, score=88.7]} {Human: PLB1, phospholipase B1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:30041], e=3e-92} {UniRef50_UPI0005C359E0, e=1e-116, PREDICTED: phospholipase B1, membrane-associated-like n=1 Tax=Crassostrea gigas RepID=UPI0005C359E0 [Invertebrates:Mollusca]} {Drosophila: CG7365, , e=5e-62} {RNA815_9262} {RNA1310_23197} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_2690_0_1}

RNA1509_3849 {Length: 2158} {Type: 5UTR_CDS_3UTR} {Pfam: GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase [PF00657.17, score=90.3]} {Human: PLB1, phospholipase B1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:30041], e=4e-94} {UniRef50_UPI0005C359E0, e=1e-115, PREDICTED: phospholipase B1, membrane-associated-like n=1 Tax=Crassostrea gigas RepID=UPI0005C359E0 [Invertebrates:Mollusca]} {Drosophila: CG7365, , e=2e-63} {RNA815_9262} {RNA1310_23197} {Smed: dd_Smed_v6_2690_0_1}
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